Thursday, December 16, 2010

ok...i'm back

i'm not surprised by my lack of updating. i'm gonna give it another shot though. so...i'm married! :) lol we're actually approaching 1 year faster than i ever thought possible! really. why does time start to pass so quickly as we age? i remember thinking summer seemed to last forever and christmas took too long. and now? well, i've been married 8 months and feel like it was maaaybe 3 months ago. is there some kind of science behind this? and i guess it's a good thing that it's going fast...means i'm still having fun! :)haha! at any rate. the wedding was perfect! everything i could have imagined and more. my mom was an absolute saviour! she was there for every appointment, tearing out magazine pages like a mad woman and she made sure to soften the budget blows with daddy. :) i could never thank her enough for everything she did, but thank you doesn't matter because she did it all with a huge smile on her face. it was an absolute act of love. the time we spent sharing in those special moments is something i will cherish forever.

note: that was written in december 2010. about 3 months ago. i will now complete the thought...

the experience of committing myself to my husband was something i will never forget. i forever have the image of his face when he was saying his vows to me burned in my mind. i don't know that i've ever seen him look that way. so real, raw, focused. he's one of the most 'in touch' and passionate people i have ever met, much less man i have ever met. the emotion i have felt from him and with him really can't be explained and that is pretty much why i knew he had to be my husband. that, and the fact that he is friggin' hilarious! :) what is that saying? he isn't perfect, but he's perfect for me. finger on nose. so that is where i am right now. we are 1 month and 1 day away from our 1st anniversary and it feels quite lovely to be married. to him. forever. on to the next chapter...

i feel like now, even though there isn't a lot of excitement from children(yet) in our lives. i am excited. just about life. oh cheesy cheeseball, whatever. i am. i'm on the last leg of my 20's and i have never felt better or more ready for life and every little thing it has to offer. a lot of woman dread 30, but i am standing open armed waiting. don't get me wrong, i'm not wishing my 20's away, oh no. this has been one unbelievable decade for me. i will continue to live it up until the very last minute. and i'm sure i will still be living it up into my 30's and maybe 40's, hell who am i kidding. i will never not be living it up, because there is just too much living it up to do in this life. but, i think 30 is like taking a giant deliberate step into womanhood. whatever that means. i think it's different for every female. for me, it's about really connecting with myself and concentrating on the really important things. making a difference. growing. becoming aware and in tune with myself, with others and with the grand scheme of life. with these thoughts i am feeling more of a need for me to write. to get the thoughts out and to let my writing time be a time of reflection, meditation, expression and to provide an outlet. i'm not the most private person. i like for people to know what i am thinking and how i feel. i've always worn my heart on my sleeve and it's something that no matter what kind of trouble it gets me in, i've come to love about me. so here i am.

when i was younger, like elementary school age, i loved to write. when the teacher would assign a creative writing assignment, i was on it. i was good at it and i enjoyed doing it. i didn't just write make believe stuff, though. i wrote journals, i wrote notes, i wrote my name, over and over and over on everything and sometimes on pieces of paper that other people really didn't want me to write on. point is i loved to write. my grandmother would ask me to write her stories sometimes and she always told me i should pursue writing as a career when i grew up. as i got in to middle and high school and then even on to college the writing assignments grew plenty and tedious and my passion for writing dwindled to nada. i pretty much loathed hearing "must be 1,000 words and have at least 5 sources." writing was no fun anymore, i didn't have the time for it and if it wasn't assigned, forget it. but, i'm back. after a much needed break. writing sounds appealing again and so i will write.

Monday, January 11, 2010

time's a tickin'!

in exactly 96 days i will be mrs. lindy jo schmittou! i will be a wife and i will have a husband. i will be married!! it is crazy to me. why? i don't really know. i'm excited and completely ready to spend every day of the rest of my life with the man that i love. i'm about 85% done with the wedding plans...or else i feel like that much is done. once i get down to the final details i may rethink that figure to be closer to 75%, but at any rate...we're moving right along. thanks to tons of help from my wonderful mother!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

so here's the thing...

i really wasn't going to start one of these until i had the first bun in the oven, because quite frankly i've never had anything interesting enough to blog about. however, i've recently felt an urge to start documenting things in my life and there are a few things coming in my near future that i would like to be able to look back on in years to come. so, really, right now this is for me. but, if you find yourself the least bit interested in my ramblings then feel free to read on. once the aforementioned bun is in the oven...or should i say out of the oven, i expect a much larger audience and my writings will not only be for me. i think that will be a while though. ; )

so, as i stated before, there are a few things coming in my near future that i wanted to take the time to write about so that in years to come i can look back and remember these special occasions! the first is that we are building a house! i will actually have a home to call my own soon! it's really kind of by accident that it is even happening. we wouldn't have even seen this in the plans a year ago, but it is and excited doesn't even begin to explain how i feel. the land we are building on is actually the lot right beside my parents. it is actually pretty special to me that i am going to be able to be right beside them. i pretty much knew that i would be on the same street regardless, but as fate would have it i am actually going to be next door! you may or may not know that my dad's parents live beside my parents house, so that will be 3 generations living beside each other! pretty cool! and i guess that goes to show just how important and special family is to all of us.

the second reason that i went ahead and started a blog kind of ties into the first. as most of you who may read this already know, jason and i have been together for well over 5 years now and if i collected a dollar for everytime someone asked me when we were getting married i'd be paying for a honeymoon in italy. : ) i wish! but, to finally answer the question...soon! we've talked about it since the first year, because we both pretty much knew it would happen, but we wanted to make sure everything was right. i've never been one to rush into anything. i wanted to finish school and get a big girl job first and foremost. it was always important to me that i come into a marriage able to contribute. basically we were comfortable how things were for the time being, but within the last year or so the urge to start our "real" life together has been stonger than ever. i'm ready! i'm all about timing and knowing something is right in my heart before i do it. whether it's buying that expensive cheese at the grocery store or marry the man that i love. i think i get that from my dad. i remember being a kid and wanting to do something or buy something or whatever and my dad would say, "just wait a minute, let's think about this." so thanks dad...for making me think about things BEFORE i do it. it isn't always the most exciting way to live life because as a result of this quality i am not very spontaneous, but i haven't made any big mistakes from acting too quickly, so i'll chalk that quality up as a plus. so anyway, i want to be able to put into writing all of my feelings along the way. i couldn't be happier! so let the planning begin!

*note* most of this was written quite a while back. i made a few edits and additions today and decided that i need to finish what i started!